Controls: Arrow keys to move, Z is action/confirm,  X or Esc for the menu and cancel, and you can hold Shift while moving to run. This game is also controller compatible.

 My first real attempt at a simple dungeon.  Help the heroes to defeat the dark lord of the castle.

The idea behind this project was to make a relatively simple dungeon using mostly just the pack-in resources that come with RPG Maker MV. In retrospect, this was a bad idea. There are actually very few resources in the way of pre-made items, monsters, tiles, etc, which was made worse by me wanting to make something vaguely interesting/ entertaining at the same time. Still, I didn't realize  most of this until I was already part way through, and I really needed to actually finish a project instead of starting over again. 

So here it is. It's pretty bad, but you gotta start somewhere. I learned a lot from making this (Be careful when using random dungeon generators for one...), and I am looking forward to making more original content next time. I do welcome any constructive feedback, so please leave a comment if you find anything that's missing, that I forgot to fix, or that would make things a little bit better. Thank you for stopping to take a look at my silly little dungeon, and I hope you have a pleasant day. 

PS: Keep you eyes open, because I did hide a few small secrets throughout. Nothing major, just a few things I found funny a couple of items. Happy hunting!

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